Home Bound

Soñando con un trópico borincano

Originally created by Gloria M. Colom Braña

Assistance collecting this object by Claudia González-Díaz

About This Item

Dimensions: 10.25x14 inches

“I painted this watercolor at my mother’s house during the 2023 spring break. This piece was based on a series of doodles in my notebook that reflected the introspection of returning to the place I consider home, an event that becomes rarer with the passing years. The painting itself is a study on the plants and colors surrounding the house and the recharging energy of being in the warm tropical space I grew up in.”

Soñando con un trópico borincano

Claudia Gonzalez-Diaz,2023 - 2024. Community-Archive Jekyll Theme by Kalani Craig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Framework: Foundation 6.