Assistance collecting this object by Claudia González-Díaz
Dimensions: 11x17 inches
“Sometimes home is where everything comes pouring out of you at once, viciously and cathartically. I made these pieces at two very different points in my life, one in 2019 and one in 2022, but they were both during times when I was never given a chance to know balance, with relationships and responsibilities piling up behind the scenes, and home was the only place I had to work through it all. it wasn’t glamorous. it was heavy and gross and tiring and overwhelming. but without these moments of release the cycle would have eaten me alive, and home is the one place I consistently had that allowed me that space.”
Claudia Gonzalez-Diaz,2023 - 2024. Community-Archive Jekyll Theme by Kalani Craig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Framework: Foundation 6.