Home Bound

Home Bound

Originally created by Claudia González-Díaz

Assistance collecting this object by Claudia González-Díaz

About This Item

Dimensions: 11x14 inches

“The contorted figure in the room has outgrown her environment. This print reflects how deep discomfort and profound change are inextricably linked in the organic, nonlinear process of growth. I created the composition just a month before my high school graduation in May of 2019, but when I look at this piece, I not only remember my 18-year-old self but I also anticipate future versions of myself as they experience periods of inner transformation.”

Home Bound

Claudia Gonzalez-Diaz,2023 - 2024. Community-Archive Jekyll Theme by Kalani Craig is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Framework: Foundation 6.